Useful T-CODE list

ABAP t-codes

CMODUser exists
SCPCharacter encodings
SE03Transport Organizer Tool
SE09Transport Organizer
SE11ABAP dictionary
SE16Table data viewer
SE16NNew table data viewerYou can open it in edit mode with SE16N_INTERFACE function.
SE19Badi Builder (enhancement)
SE30Performance analyzerIt traces a report and reports slow points.
SE37Function Builder
SE38ABAP Workbench
SE43Menu builder
SE72Style manager
SE74Upload RTF and MS World template upload
SE75SAPscript settings
SE76SAPscript form language maintenance
SE77SAPscript style conversation
SE78Grafik object maintenance
SE80ABAP Object Navigator
SE91Message Class maintenance
SE93Transaction code maintenance
SHD0Transactions and screen variantsAutomatically load screen variants by t-code.
SICFInbound HTTP/SOAP connections manager
SLG0Application logging configuration
SLG1Application logging monitor
SMARTFORMSPrint layout designer
SMARTSTYLESPrint style maintenance
SM30Table maintenance screen designer
SM35Batch Input
SMODUser exists
SWELSEnable event trace
SWELDisplay event trace
WE30IDOC type development

Finance t-codes

F-32Clearing customer
F-44Clearing seller
FB03Accounting document
FBRACanceling of clearing
FS00G/L accounts maintenance
OB08Money exchange rate entrance

Basis t-codes

AL11List files and directories on the server
BD87Reprocess failed IDOCs
SM39Job scheduling
SM59RFC connection maintenance
SCOTCommunication channel maintenance (email, fax, etc)
SOSTOutbound communication monitoring (email, fax, etc)
SPADPrinter and paper maintenance
SRT_ELOGSOAP error logs
SRT_UTILWeb Service Utilities; error logs, enable tracing, etc.
ST01Monitor the system
ST05SQL Trace AnalysisIt analyzes queries that are executed by reports.
STADGeneral system performance analyasis logs
STMSTransport Management System
SU53Used and failed authorization objects by a user
SXMB_MONIIntegration monitoring
WE02IDOC list

Using RFC function over SOAP

You can get WSDL file for any function with below URL:


You can develop your soap client with given WSDL.

Using config parameters in impex file

We need use processor in our impex file for accessing config settings like below.

UPDATE GenericItem[processor=de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.impex.impl.ConfigPropertyImportProcessor]; pk[unique=true]
$configvar = $config-db.port

UPDATE MyItem; name[unique=true]
             ; $configvar

hybris ant targets

ant customizeApply custom code changes and libraries.
ant serverUpdate tomcat settings.
ant updateMavenDependenciesUpdate maven ant dependencies.
ant updatesystemUpdate DB schema and import impexes.
ant -Dtenant=junit -DtypeSystemOnly=true initializeInitialize JUnit tenant with just type system.
ant allwebtests -Dtestclasses.packages=com.mkysoft.*Running all web tests in package.
ant alltests -Dtestclasses.packages=com.mkysoft.*Running all tests in package.
ant unittests -Dtestclasses.suppress.junit.tenant=true -Dtest=”com.mkysoft.hybris.MyClassTest”Running single class test.

Disable interceptors for impex

We can disable interceptors while importing impex files.

REMOVE Order[disable.interceptor.beans='orderPrepareInterceptor']; pk[unique = true]
; 1234567891234

INSERT_UPDATE Order[disable.interceptor.beans='orderPrepareInterceptor']; code[unique = true]
; order-123

AWS Lambda Internal Server Error

If you are getting below exception for your .Net Core 3.1 Lambda function after deploying it via web page, continue to reading reason.

Could not find the specified handler assembly with the file name ‘LambdaTest, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’. The assembly should be located in the root of your uploaded .zip file.: LambdaException

When you create lambda function via aws web ui, it set default handler as LambdaTest::LambdaTest.LambdaHandler::handleRequest. You need to change it as your your code.

Accsess backoffice config

While in backoffice in Adminstration Perspective you can press F4 button from keyboard. Then click menu icon on right corner for Show cockpit-config.xml option.