data: struct type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, ls_component type abap_compdescr. lt_tab type truxs_t_text_data with header line, ls_tab(4096), lv_tab type string. lv_text type c length 255. field-symbols: <lfs_file> type any. loop at lt_itab. clear: lt_tab, lv_tab. loop at struct->components into ls_component. read table gt_fieldcat into gs_fcat with key fieldname = ls_component-name. check sy-subrc eq 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_component-name OF STRUCTURE lt_itab TO <lfs_file>. check sy-subrc eq 0. case gs_fcat-datatype. when 'DATS'. write <lfs_file> to lv_text MM/DD/YYYY. when 'QUAN' or 'CURR'. write <lfs_file> to lv_text. call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT' changing value = lv_text. when 'INT4'. write <lfs_file> to lv_text DECIMALS 0. call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT' changing value = lv_text. when others. write <lfs_file> to lv_text. endcase. condense lv_text. concatenate lt_tab lv_text into lt_tab separated by lv_tab. lv_tab = ';'. "separator endloop. append lt_tab. endloop.